

What a beautiful day~~~♪  Finally, we are having a nice and warm spring day in Hiroshima today!
They say a lot of cherry blossoms will start coming out around the city this weekend.  I hope we can enjoy the sweet spring time very soon :-)
In spite of this nice weather, I had to see a doctor today.  Of course, seeing a doctor never makes me feel so good and excited,,, but when I went back home, riding bicycle in this nice, warm, sunny weather was very relaxing and it made me feel so relieved...  It was pretty good to feel the spring wind... oh, I don't have a hay fever, so...
Because I was feeling good, I decided to spoil myself a little more, lol.   I went to a cake shop near my place on the way back home and I bought some... pieces of cake only for me! :-)
What a beautiful teatime on a beautiful day♪

ステキな一日♪ 広島もやっと暖かく春らしくなってきた!今週末には各地で桜も咲き始めるそうで、「春」が楽しめそうです。そんな「春うらら」ななか、今日の私は通院デー。病院ねぇワクワクも良い気分もしないけど、今日のステキなお天気の中で自転車乗るのは爽快だったぁ♪暖かい風を感じながら心地よく、癒された~。あぁ、幸い花粉症はないから、満喫です。


最近 2PAC

When it comes to music, I'm so omnivorous.  I definitely have tastes but I try various types.
I don't remember when I became like this because I used to be a rock kid who only listened to heavy/loud/hard rock music.  I didn't like other kinds then.
But now, I like R&B, Jazz, Ambient, Pop, Alternative Rock,,, Classical music, Gospel, too...  Well, maybe I became more well-rounded, lol
What I've been listening to recently is "2PAC"  Welcome back to my music golden age 90s! :-)
This is funny but... I didn't like Hip Hop when I was a teenager in 90s, so I never listened to 2PAC or some other stuff like him.  But his music reminds me of the days back in 90s... like when I was really into music and enjoying going out with friends.  I don't remember but I guess I was listening to this kinda 90s music at bars or something.
Well,,, I'm just an asian living in Japan since I was born, I don't understand 100% of his words because his culture and life is so different from mine.  So I just enjoy the sound and music... then words sometimes.  But I like it :-)   I just like listening to it. 

ここ最近のお気に入りはなんと「2PAC」 さぁ我が青春の90年代へおかえりなさい♪ おかしな話だけど、、、90年代私が10代の頃ヒップホップなんて好きじゃなくて、2PACとか絶対聴かなかった。なのに今聴いてるとなーんか懐かしく、昔を思い出すのよ、音楽が好きで遊び歩いていた頃のこと。たぶんお店とか色んなところで聴いてたんでしょう。


雨よ...relaxing day at home♪

I'm not working tomorrow! Yeah!  What I'm gonna do is... nothing! lol  I was gonna go out for movies and English class, but I canceled everything!  I will just stay home and have a very relaxing day...
I never felt too tired but my body seems to... she's telling me "hey, I need a break"
So, I will be very lazy + selfish and just do what I wanna do! lol  Because I just recieved a book from Amazon today, at first, I will read the book a little in my bed tonight.  Then,,, COURRIER JAPON which I bought a few days ago because the articles in this issue seemed interesting to me, PEN - Renaissance Art that I bought but I couldn't read much and forgot about it because of busy Christmas and New Year season,,, and 2 DVDs of my favorite P!nk :-) 
I got everything ready for my stress free day♪  I hope it will rain tomorrow because rain makes me relax more♪

これで準備バンタンじゃ♪ そして雨、降らんかなぁ、雨降りの家休みはさらにスローになれるから♪