When it comes to music, I'm so omnivorous. I definitely have tastes but I try various types.
I don't remember when I became like this because I used to be a rock kid who only listened to heavy/loud/hard rock music. I didn't like other kinds then.
But now, I like R&B, Jazz, Ambient, Pop, Alternative Rock,,, Classical music, Gospel, too... Well, maybe I became more well-rounded, lol
What I've been listening to recently is "2PAC" Welcome back to my music golden age 90s! :-)
This is funny but... I didn't like Hip Hop when I was a teenager in 90s, so I never listened to 2PAC or some other stuff like him. But his music reminds me of the days back in 90s... like when I was really into music and enjoying going out with friends. I don't remember but I guess I was listening to this kinda 90s music at bars or something.
Well,,, I'm just an asian living in Japan since I was born, I don't understand 100% of his words because his culture and life is so different from mine. So I just enjoy the sound and music... then words sometimes. But I like it :-) I just like listening to it.
ここ最近のお気に入りはなんと「2PAC」 さぁ我が青春の90年代へおかえりなさい♪ おかしな話だけど、、、90年代私が10代の頃ヒップホップなんて好きじゃなくて、2PACとか絶対聴かなかった。なのに今聴いてるとなーんか懐かしく、昔を思い出すのよ、音楽が好きで遊び歩いていた頃のこと。たぶんお店とか色んなところで聴いてたんでしょう。
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