
はじめてのHIP HOP

I, ROCKIN' WASABI, like Rock Music bacically.

When I was much younger, like junior high and high school time,
I always listened to Rock!
The sound had to be hard, heavy and loud to attract me♪

But a few years later, the rock chick had grown up.
I started to try other kinds of music in my late teens.

And it was only a few years ago,,,
I bought my very first HIP HOP music.
Busta Rhymes "The Big Bang" (2006)

Honestly, I don't even remember why I chose this...
Maybe I was interested in this album by watching on TV or checking at a store... I guess.
But I still like this album very much♪

Now I like much more types of music than before and enjoy it more.
MUSIC is what I need in my life♪

Well,,, I gotta do some work on my computer now.
I'll do it listening to Busta Rhymes tonight.

Thanks for reading!
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