
Cherishing... 愛でる

I've been enjoying my relaxing day off :-)  After driving back home from a movie and small shopping, I went to a riverside walk in my town just to check cherry blossoms and get some more nice fresh air♪  
It seems a little too early to enjoy trees full of pretty blossoms, but I could see some buds coming out among twigs.  I brought my camera and was trying to looking up at the trees bending backward.  It was funny but people passing by started to stop around me and looked up at the trees just like me since they found me taking pictures of cherry blossoms. lol  
まだちょっと早かったみたいだけど、咲きかけの蕾が枝じゅうに見られました。私、木の下からカメラを上向きに構えてて… おかしなことに、そんな私の姿に気づいた通行人のみなさんが足を止め始めて、みんな同じ姿勢、しばし一緒に上を眺めて桜蕾鑑賞タイム。

One of the people, a lady walking her puppy told me "Look over there.  Small bunch of flowers is there.  You should take some more pics from here♪"  She was kind :-)  I could take this picture thanks to her♪ 
そのうちの、ワンコ散歩中のマダムが「ほらアナタ、こっちに咲いてるわよ。キレイなのが撮れるんじゃないかしら♪」って、親切 :-) おかげで素敵な一枚が撮れました♪

It was around 5pm when I went to the river.  The sun was about to start setting.  The sky was getting dark blue in the east.  Among twigs and buds, I found the moon which was still faint in the blue.  It is hard to see in the picture, but the combination of the cherry tree and the moon in the dark blue was beautiful♪

We'll be able to enjoy blossoms more in a week here.  This riverside is my favorite place in my town :-)
I'll come here and check trees again on my next day off♪

Extra picture... "birds" lol  Nature just around my place.  Nice and relaxing♪
おまけ「鳥たち」(笑) 身近な自然に癒される♪

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