Azaleas are in bloom♪ This is a shot from a car window on the way to work. White, pink, baby pink flowers on green leaves were so bright that I was watching them while I was waiting for the light to turn green. Flowers reminded me of memories of my childhood. On the way back home from school, my friends and I used to enjoy nectar of azaleas sucking from the bottom of the petals :-) Did anybody do the same thing? I don't know if kids still do it nowadays, but it was very popular among us. Well, I am already a grownup, I was in a car,,, so I didn't try to pick one to taste it! lol
Because they were roadside flowers covered with exhaust, I felt sorry and thought "if they were somewhere with clean air, they would live much more comfortably" But they really were beautiful flowers. Watching them at the beginning of a day cheered me up and gave me a lot of energy ;-)
ツツジが咲いていた♪仕事に向かう途中のショットです。白やピンクの花が緑によく映えて目をひくので信号待ちの間しばし眺めていました。な~んか子供の頃のこと、よく学校帰りに友達とツツジの花の蜜を吸って、それこそ「道草」していたことを思い出した :-) 最近の子供ってこういうことするの?私達の頃はしょっちゅうだったぁ・・・。でももうオトナだし~(笑)今朝は車の中だったから摘んで蜜を吸うなんてしなかったわ(笑) しかし排気ガスいっぱいの道路脇に咲く様子を見てると「空気がキレイなところだともっとのびのび咲けるね」と少しかわいそうにも感じたけど、その鮮やかな花を咲かせる姿はとってもキレイで、朝から元気とパワーをもらえた! :-)
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