

My second day of 2 days off started with seeing a doctor...
Well,,, it's not that serious :-)
but shocking...
Why did I need to see a doctor?
Because... my knee was hurting soooooo much!
yeah, it was because of my running...

The doctor told me to stop running for a while and do some low impact exercise.
I was very shocked!  Because I enjoyed running very very very much last year... before a sprain...
I thought it would be easy to restart running and have tried this year.
But I know it's my fault... because I know I often tend to try too much! lol  When I go running, I keep running even if my body parts start hurting!... haha.
I just don't wanna give up!
Sigh... I feel I'm getting older! lol   ...but, yeah, maybe I should be smarter now ;-)
Low impact exercise first, like walking and yoga, so I build enough muscle then go back to running♪
I hope I will be able to go running during summer time like I did last year :-)
... The older I get the more care I need... ha! I learned!

歩くとかヨガとか軽めの運動で筋肉つけて、また走ろう♪ 去年みたいに夏に走れるといいな。
歳のぶんだけケアが要る・・・ 覚えとこ!

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