
ある意味わたし的 "go with the flow"

Even though I post my stuff here sometimes, it takes me way too long to write something nice, polite and logically organized... like essays for applications! lol
Because I know what I usually write here is almost 100% same as how I speak!  haha!
And it's very casual and often unnatural.
Hmmm... I'm supposed to write a lot at college, so this must be just the beginning of it and a very good practice, I guess.

I've been thinking a lot about myself recently, I mean why I choose the US, what I want to do after college, how I can express myself when it comes to my career.

... honestly, I've never thought about these kind of things so much like this!
My system is always like...
Even if I don't really know what's going to happen with it, I follow my feeling and start it when I really want to.  Then I try my best faithfully, don't give up easily, be humble, but on the other hand, keep being greedy! lol, like "I can do more, I gotta do better!"
While I keep doing it I can find something, for example, successful result, new goals or better way to go.  I'll be able to feel the progress, definitely.

Work, hobbies, relationship, whatever... the system always works to me, no matter what I do. :-)
I think I'm really lucky, lol  because everything will be alright if I keep trying♪  Sometimes it takes very long or it comes with struggling time though!  haha!

Anyway, it's time for me to write something nice, polite and logically organized. lol
I look forward to feeling that I'm making a progress and the good result after this hard time♪

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