

Another morning,
Another chance to challenge! :-)

Does anybody go to work today?  I do♪ 
I also have a plan to go to dinner with my friends tonight.  Some of them have studied abroad, so I might be able to get some more information on going to a college in the US. :-)
I'll work hard looking forward to our dinner time♪

I don't think I have a lot of friends, a lot of buddy-buddy.
But all my friends and people I know are very very very supportive.  I often feel I'm very lucky and I appreciate it!
They are independent, they work hard, they have thier own style,,, and most of them love drinking♪  haha! The last one is the most important part! lol
I'm very happy with them!

This is what I'm feeling on Saturday morning♪
If you go to work today, Good Luck! ;-)  If not, have a beautiful Saturday!

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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ


  1. Well,you're very fortune with supportive friends around you. You seem to have had much work recently, so eating out with your friends will be a delightful for you!

  2. Yes, it really was. Thank you!
