

One of my coworkers gave me birthday cake!

...my birthday was about a month ago...
She said she was always thinking about giving cake and waiting for a good time lol

Girls like this kind of ... "just to have fun" thing.

this torte cake had a lot of fresh juicy strawberries on it and was really good!

The patisserie MARIO DESERT is famous for their torte cake.
more info. → MARIO

Well,,, I've been eating a lot of sweets during a break recently. I gotta be careful...
Eat, drink, sleep and exercise a lot too! I need to work harder on the last part. lol

...Spring's coming soon ...Summer's coming later on!

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  1. Looks good!! MARIO is in Hirosima,right?? I should visit and have this one next time I go to Hiroshima!!

    Thank you for leaving your comment on my blog. I haven't up date my blog since my husband's birthday,,,
    Somehow I found your blog and it motivated me to keep a journal in english. I'lll try….

  2. How cute!
    That cake looks REALLY good with a lot of strawberry. ;-)

  3. Henneko san
    yes, mario is in hiroshima! you should try, when you have a chance♪
    right, i wondered how you came to mine. lol
    let's keep trying!

    juniper san
    thank you very much for leaving me a message!
    the cake IS good :)
    sweet + juicy berries = just happy!
