

I had a very relaxing 2days off.
I did my stuff at home most of the time.

Because I take trains and buses to work, day off is the only chance to drive my car.
This... my humble tiny car is cool ♪ It is a very old car but I love it :)
I went to The Home Depot thing that we call a home center in Japan.
.....listening to my current favorite P!nk, yeah!!!

I'm going back to work today.
I'll work hard again!... looking forward to tonght's "MISOJI-KAI"  haha!
Some other Around-30 managers at work invited me to their dinner.

30... all ladies... managers...   sounds nice, doesn't it?  :)  Another joshi-kai is comming tonight♪

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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ


  1. As I living in Inaka, no matter what happened "I HAVE TO DRIVE!!!"
    I have to drive in a very snowy day. At the party I can't drink because I have to drive back home.
    I like driving so I don't mind to drive up to Tokyo which I did last year to visit my family.

    Did you Enjoy your MISOJI & JYOSHI-KAI??

  2. yes, we had a really good time during the misoji-kai! lol
    you drive to tokyo? wow!
    i like driving but i'm not good at it,,, i guess.
    i prefer drinking to driving! haha
