

"trick or treat"

One of my coworkers and I was having a... a girls' conversation at work.
It was about a very common topic "Ideal Man" things.  lol
My coworker is 10 year younger than me.  I know her taste is very different from mine!
She told me to give the most important requirements because she was curious and I guess she got a lot more requirements. lol

I said...
1. a man who works really hard
2. a man who doesn't have anybody else
3. a man who is attractive

When I mentioned number 2, my coworker said "That's too basic!, too fundamental!"
Yeah, I know.  But it can be the hardest part though! lol
Well, number 1 is what I always think.  I don't mean he needs to be very rich but I want him to be dedicated to his job and proud of it.... and... managing what he's doing well by himself. ...whatever he does♪
3 is... maybe I can also say "seductive" lol

I used to give a lot more requirements.  The older I get, the simpler it gets!
Chatting with my 10year younger coworker reminded me that I've got older more mature!
That's good though ;-)

Thank you for reading!
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ

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