

I like spending time all by myself but,,, this is a good to be with someone..."taking pics of myself!" lol
This is the famous steps of "tkts" at Times Square where tourists climb up and take pictures.  I'm in there...  Can you find me?  I'm in somewhere in the center... waving♪
You got it?

During my stay, I noticed that I've been to the states several ttimes and it was the 10th visit to the main land, except Hawaii... :-)
The very first visit was a school program in Omaha, Nebraska!  I stayed with a family for a month.  Some other visits were on business and some were just for sight seeing or my personal leisure like this time ;-)  I always have a great tme when I visit the states.  I had a very very very good time during this trip too!  I could do most of the things I wanted to do, I could see my very supportive friend, I could visit 2 schools and I met some nice people in NY :-)
Of course, time flies,,, always and my trip was just 4-day stay which is definitely too short to see a lot in NYC.  But actually, I kinda feel like it was much longer than 4 days.  I think it's because I did a lot of things by myself.  For example, keeping myself busy all day, like many local bus rides and walking around taking pictures...  I always forgot that I was hungry and too excited to sit + eat. lol  But it was fun!
When I had to go back to Japan after my first stay in NY in 2000, I couldn't stop crying on the airplane, lol because I was already missing NY very much and I was so,,, dissapointed to see that I couldn't stay there and the place I blonged to was not NYC then.
But this time, I was COOL.  haha!  Maybe it's because I have a plan to go to NY again very soon.  But it was more like,,, I was so satisfied with my stay and I'm very positive about going back to work + continuing what I have to do right now in Japan.
So, I had a really good time in NY.  I enjoyed it a lot :-)
今回の滞在中に気づきました。今回は10回目のアメリカ本土旅。はじめては学校の一ヶ月ホームステイでネブラスカ州オマハ。それから仕事や今回みたいな観光や個人旅行を何回か。。。いつきても楽しんで帰ります。もちろん今回もとってもとっても良い時間を過ごしました。やりたいことはだいたいしたし、大事な友達にも会えた、学校もちゃんと見にいけたし、すてきな人との出会い :-) あっという間だし、4日はNYでは短すぎるけど、なんだか不思議にとても長く居た感覚がします。たぶん、、、地元バスに一生懸命乗り継いだり、写真を撮って歩き回ったり、で忙しくたくさんのことをしたからでしょう。おなかがすいたのも忘れて食べる間もおしんで夢中で(笑)でもとても楽しかった!
以前にNYへ来て帰国するときには、機内で涙とまらず(笑)NYを離れる寂しさと、帰らなきゃならない身、ここ(NY)は自分のずっと居られる場所でないと思い知らされたかなしさと、でいっぱいでした。でも今回は平気(笑)たぶんまたすぐ来る予定があるのもだけど、なんだろ、、、なんだかっても満足で、また現実(仕事)に戻って今日本でやらなきゃいけないことを続けることにとっても前向きになれている気分です :-)  なので、本当にNYでは良い時間を過ごせた気分です!
Breakfast st JFK airport
...STARBUCKS is the last food I had in the states. well, it's very America, right? lol 

I restarted working hard from today again so I can go back to NY very soon,,, successfully ;-)
I keep my vision and I keep trying. I appreciate the chance for this trip.  I'm very lucky and happy♪

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