

It's been about 2 weeks since I came back from my trip.  I feel,,, it was more than 2 weeks.  Like when I was in NYC, it's because so many things are going on with me and it's kept me busy, I guess.  As soon as I came back to work,,, "welcome back to the reality!" I started dealing with many issues, like finishing some report, submitting sales plans for a half year, giving job interviews and more...  When I was away from work, I went to banks many times to receive documents and a check that I had to send to the states, went out with my friends several times... and I got sick, too...lol
Sometimes it is tough for me to keep preparing for the future dealing with "NOW" which has a lot of important things... my "NOW" is mostly WORK! lol  But it's fun to do it at the same time because I'm really looking forward to my future :-)
I don't know what's gonna happen in the future but I appreciate that I already got a lot of chance to try in my life :-)  I've been learing a lot from my experience since I decided to study abroad.

Tomorrow will be like Friday for me because I'm not working on Tuesday.  I'm wondering what to do tomorrow night so I can relax a little bit before starting my day off...
If I leave work early tomorrow, I might go to a movie "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close"
...I'm sure I'm gonna cry.   



  1. Hi, I also want to watch the movie. I'm watching it next week. When will you go back to NY? I think your dream has been becoming a reality day by day.

  2. Hello, Hodaka san. Thank you! I really hope so. I guess you're having busy days too. Let's keep trying and make the dreams come true♪
