I'm at a table next to a big window on the 2F of Starbucks now. I have a few hours between my English classes, so I came here for lunch :-) Because I had one of my wisdom teeth extracted yesterday, I still feel kinda wired in my mouth, but it seems alright. It was easier than I expected... this time. lol
Having my sandwich, watching people walking outside,,, somehow I thought... I wanna keep learning as long as I'm alive. It doesn't mean everyday lessons that people are supposed to learn from their ordinary lives, but it means something more professional or something I can connect with my career. I can't explain well but I feel I wanna keep learning things I'm interested in. For example... music, art, hospitality, traveling, fashion, entrepreneurship, social contribution, education... There are so many... Everything is not really conneted to each other so far and I don't know how much I can learn until the end of my life, but I want to try and see how much I can do,,, imagining myself with my own business wich has all the elements I'm into.
Do I know how to do it? ...No, not yet. lol But I hope I'll find the way in the near future, or maybe I'll find one by one through hard work. ;-)
サンドイッチ食べながら、人間ウォッチングしながら・・・ふと思ったのね、「私、学び続けたいなぁ」って、とっても漠然(笑) 日々経験する日常から学ぶことだけでなく、ここで思ったのはもっと仕事に関連させるものとして、ということ。上手に言えないけど、キャリアに関連付けられるよう興味あることを学び続けたいというかんじ。例えば、音楽、アート、ホスピタリティ、旅、ファッション、起業、社会貢献、教育、、、たくさん、いまはどれもまだバラバラで仕事になってない、それに死ぬまでにどれだけできるか分かんないけど、やってみたいなぁと思って…このそれぞれの興味関心事が上手につながった何かをやってる自分を思い描きながら。
どうするかって? まだわからん。(笑)でも近い将来見えてきたらいいなと、、、それか頑張ってるうちに1つずつ見えてつながってくるのかも、と思っています。
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