

I've been enjoying my day off in the city today.  I left home in the morning like when I go to work, have finished some personal stuff.

Then I came to a library in the Peace Memorial Park as I sometimes do.
What I have been doing here is... my homework.  I'm writing a very short essay about self-improvement.  I gotta finish this by the class in the eveninig!

This is a public library for both Japanese and Foreigners.  We can check out English books and  see information about the city which is written in English.
I'm at a table now.  The Japanese man opposite is reading Haruki Murakami, a woman with blonde hair at the same table is reading a English book... she was speaking in English... and her boyfriend next to her is... sleeping.
I can hear 2 people from behind the bookshelf.  They are speaking in Chinese and Japanese, which seems like a Chinese lesson.
Another group of Japanese ladies is studying English with a native English speaking man with British accent :-)
...interesting♪  I like bing here sometimes :-)

OK, I gotta go back to my homework now!

Thank you for reading!
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ

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