
Nagarekawa 歓楽街walk

When I was younger, I used to go out almost every night!
I was not a party animal but I did like to go drinking with my friends♪
Now, I don't go out so much because I'm getting more mature
...or older!

This is a picture of Nagarekawa area in the afternoon.
Nagarekawa is the 歓楽街 in Hiroshima city.

Do you know what to call 歓楽街 in English? ...I don't!
I opened my dictionary and it said
"an amusent area" or "an entertainment area"

well,,, I'd say something more... 歓楽♪ :D for example,
"a drinking area" or "a party district"
It could be "a nasty zone" haha!
What do you think?

I kinda like to walk through this area in the daytime.
Because it looks so different from the one in the nighttime.
I don't see many people, everything looks dirtier in the sunlight and it makes the area look a little bit sad... but also relaxing if I imagine the area full of people later tonight♪
Seems like everything's taking a good rest for a while.

Thanks for reading!
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